Val Bodengo



van Duin

-Guida Alpina - Mountain Guide

-Specializzato in Canyoning dal 1993

-Specializzato in formazione ai        lavori temporanei su funi

-Istruttore corsi specializzazione Canyoning Guide Alpine

-Iscritto al UIAGM

-Iscriz. Albo Professionale

Regione Lombardia al n° 144

<   MENU   >


Canyoning experience



I know around 500 different canyons and with my passionate guests and friends i continue to discover new ones. From our base in Val Bodengo we enjoy the canyons of Ticino, Liguria, Provence. Some longer trips took us to Corsica, Sardinia, Pirenees, Reunion Island and recently to the USA and Tassili N'ajjer (Sahara), all kind of paradise for this sport. I started in 1993 with a course in Swiss and today i have explored more than 170 new canyons and descended like 350 others. In 2005 i have published the first guidebook of the "Lombardia" canyons and in 2009 a selection of the best canyons of the "North of Italy".


I have explored new canyons in Italy, Switzerland, Albania, Zambia, Algeria, Turkey, USA, Bosnia.